Live Weather and Weather Forecast for Home Garden, California, United States

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Home Garden, California, United States
Live Weather Today
Overall WeatherTemperaturePressure
Overcast Clouds53.74°F/12.08°C1011 hPa
Wind SpeedWind DirectionClouds
2.68 MPH 185 Degrees 94%
Humidity PercentageSunrise TimeSunset Time
Current Local Time
Moonrise Time Moonset Time
Ultraviolet Index (UV Index)
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Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 17:00:00 14-March-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
53.62 °F | 12 °C | 285.16 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
49.6 °F | 10 °C | 282.93 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
53.62 °F | 12 °C | 285.16 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1012  hPA
Humidity Precentage66 %
Clouds Precentage75 %
Wind Speed1.54  MPH
Wind Direction328  Degrees

Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 20:00:00 14-March-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
50.63 °F | 10 °C | 283.5 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
44.65 °F | 7 °C | 280.18 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
50.63 °F | 10 °C | 283.5 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1013  hPA
Humidity Precentage74 %
Clouds Precentage80 %
Wind Speed2.53  MPH
Wind Direction14  Degrees

Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 23:00:00 14-March-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
46.08 °F | 8 °C | 280.97 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
42.31 °F | 6 °C | 278.88 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
46.08 °F | 8 °C | 280.97 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1015  hPA
Humidity Precentage82 %
Clouds Precentage64 %
Wind Speed0.42  MPH
Wind Direction248  Degrees

Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 02:00:00 15-March-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
42.01 °F | 6 °C | 278.71 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
42.01 °F | 6 °C | 278.71 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
42.01 °F | 6 °C | 278.71 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1018  hPA
Humidity Precentage91 %
Clouds Precentage61 %
Wind Speed0.59  MPH
Wind Direction306  Degrees

Home Garden Time Report

Which Time Zone Home Garden is in?MST
Is Mountain Standard Time a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Is Daylight Saving Time active in Home Garden?Daylight saving is not active
Home Garden Summer Time Zone AbbreviationMST
Home Garden Winter Time Zone AbbreviationMDT
Daylight Time Start DateSunday, 10 March 2024, 02:00 AM
Daylight Time End DateSunday, 03 November 2024, 02:00 AM
UTC Offset when DST is not activeUTC+-7 Hours
UTC Offset when DST is activeUTC+-6 Hours
Number of days in this month31 days
Day of the year72th day of the year
Duration of the Day0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Longitude/Latitude of Home Garden-119.6362400/36.3032800 © 2024