Dobada, Nevşehir, Turkey | ||
Live Weather Today | ||
Overall Weather | Temperature | Pressure |
Clear Sky | 19.45°F/-6.97°C | 1027 hPa |
Wind Speed | Wind Direction | Clouds |
2.66 MPH | 223 Degrees | 0% |
Humidity Percentage | Sunrise Time | Sunset Time |
79 | Prepare failed||
Current Local Time | Prepare failedMoonrise Time | Moonset Time |
11:11:11 | ||
Ultraviolet Index (UV Index) | Convert to other time zones | |
Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 23.02 °F | -5 °C | 268.16 Kelvin |
Minimum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 23.02 °F | -5 °C | 268.16 Kelvin |
Maximum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 30.16 °F | -1 °C | 272.13 Kelvin |
Atmospheric Pressure | 1027 hPA |
Humidity Precentage | 81 % |
Clouds Precentage | 3 % |
Wind Speed | 2.76 MPH |
Wind Direction | 221 Degrees |
Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 27.86 °F | -2 °C | 270.85 Kelvin |
Minimum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 27.86 °F | -2 °C | 270.85 Kelvin |
Maximum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 32.05 °F | 0 °C | 273.18 Kelvin |
Atmospheric Pressure | 1027 hPA |
Humidity Precentage | 78 % |
Clouds Precentage | 13 % |
Wind Speed | 2.35 MPH |
Wind Direction | 227 Degrees |
Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 39.9 °F | 4 °C | 277.54 Kelvin |
Minimum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 39.9 °F | 4 °C | 277.54 Kelvin |
Maximum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 39.9 °F | 4 °C | 277.54 Kelvin |
Atmospheric Pressure | 1024 hPA |
Humidity Precentage | 60 % |
Clouds Precentage | 7 % |
Wind Speed | 4.82 MPH |
Wind Direction | 238 Degrees |
Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 42.84 °F | 6 °C | 279.17 Kelvin |
Minimum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 42.84 °F | 6 °C | 279.17 Kelvin |
Maximum Temperature In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin | 42.84 °F | 6 °C | 279.17 Kelvin |
Atmospheric Pressure | 1021 hPA |
Humidity Precentage | 54 % |
Clouds Precentage | 4 % |
Wind Speed | 5.83 MPH |
Wind Direction | 248 Degrees |
Which Time Zone Dobada is in? | |
Is a Standard Time Zone? | Yes |
Is Daylight Saving Time active in Dobada? | Daylight saving is not followed |
Dobada Summer Time Zone Abbreviation | |
Dobada Winter Time Zone Abbreviation | Daylight saving time not followed in Dobada |
Daylight Time Start Date | Daylight saving time not followed in Turkey |
Daylight Time End Date | Daylight saving time not followed in Turkey |
UTC Offset when DST is not active | UTC+3 Hours |
UTC Offset when DST is active | Not applicable |
Number of days in this month | 31 days |
Day of the year | 18th day of the year |
Duration of the Day | 0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds |
Longitude/Latitude of Dobada | 34.5091700/38.5502800 |