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Current Temperature in Vellore | 80.82°F/27.12°C/300.27K |
Feels like | 81.55°F/27.53°C/300.68K |
Vellore Humidity Percentage | 50% |
Atmospheric Pressure in Vellore | 1013 hPa |
Wind Speed in Vellore | 0.51 Miles Per Hour |
Wind Direction in Vellore | 252 Degrees |
Vellore Time Zone | India Standard Time |
Time Zone Abbreviation | IST |
UTC Offset for India Standard Time | 5.5 Hours |
Is IST a Standard Time Zone? | Yes |
Current Local Time in Vellore | 2025-03-04 09:35:20 |
Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Vellore? | No |
Vellore Summer Time Zone | No DST |
Vellore Winter Time Zone | IST |
Daylight Time Start Date | DST Not followed |
Daylight Time End Date | DST Not followed |
UTC Offset for DST | 6.5 Hours |
UTC Offset during winter | 5.5 Hours |
Civil Twilight Start Time | |
Civil Twilight End Time | |
Nautical Twilight Start Time | |
Nautical Twilight End Time | |
Astronomical Twilight Start Time | |
Astronomical Twilight End Time |
Sunrise Time in Vellore | |
Sunset Time in Vellore | |
Noon Time in Vellore | |
Duration of the daytime today in Vellore | 0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds |
Moonrise Time Today in Vellore | |
Moonset Time Today in Vellore |
New moon day | |
Full moon day | |
First Quarter of Moon | |
Last Quarter of Moon |
Day of the week | Tuesday |
Month of the year | March |
Number of days in this month | 31 |
Day of the year | 62 |
Week of the year | 10 |
Number of Seconds from Epoch | 1741061120 Seconds |
Name of the City | Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India |
Vellore, Kātpādi, Pudūr, Arcot, Pallikondai, Rāmāpuram, Walajapet, Gudiyatham, Odugattūr, Ārani, Chittoor, Kalavai, Sholinghur, Peranāmpattu, Polūr, Ambur | |
Two Letter Country code of India (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | IN |
Three letter Country code of India (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) | IND |
Vellore Latitude | 12.9184000 |
Vellore Longitude | 79.1325500 |
Vellore Elevation | 0 meter |
Alternates Names for Vellore in Vernacular Languages | Gorad Veluru,Vellor,Vellore,Velluru,Velur,belloleu,bellore,bhellora,vellor,v ellora,vellura,velur,velura,vu~eruru,wei luo er,Веллор,Веллуру, Горад Велуру,भेल्लोर,वेल्लूर,वे ्लोर,বেল্লোরে,ਵੇਲੂਰ,વેલ્લોર ,வேலூர்,ವೆಲ್ಲೋರ್,വെല്ലൂർ,ヴェー ルール,韦洛尔,벨로르 |
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