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Current Local Time in Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile is 11:34:58

CLST-Chile Summer Time UTC-03:00 hours

Monday, Mar 03 2025, week - 10, 62nd day of year, Daylight saving is active

CLST timezone converter

Weather:71.35°F/21.86°C/295.01K Clear sky

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Santiago Weather

Current Temperature in Santiago71.35°F/21.86°C/295.01K
Feels like71.01°F/21.67°C/294.82K
Santiago Humidity Percentage60%
Atmospheric Pressure in Santiago1016 hPa
Wind Speed in Santiago2.06 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in Santiago160 Degrees

Santiago Time Zone

Santiago Time ZoneChile Summer Time
Time Zone AbbreviationCLST
UTC Offset for Chile Summer Time-3 Hours
Is CLST a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in Santiago 2025-03-03 11:34:58

Daylight Saving Time in Santiago

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Santiago?Yes
Santiago Summer Time ZoneCLST
Santiago Winter Time ZoneCLT
Daylight Time Start Date
Daylight Time End Date
UTC Offset for DST-3 Hours
UTC Offset during winter-4 Hours

Twilights in Santiago today

Civil Twilight Start Time
Civil Twilight End Time
Nautical Twilight Start Time
Nautical Twilight End Time
Astronomical Twilight Start Time
Astronomical Twilight End Time

Santiago: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in Santiago
Sunset Time in Santiago
Noon Time in Santiago
Duration of the daytime today in Santiago0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Prepare failed

Santiago: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in Santiago
Moonset Time Today in Santiago

Santiago: Moon Phases

New moon day
Full moon day
First Quarter of Moon
Last Quarter of Moon

Calendar Today

Day of the weekMonday
Month of the yearMarch
Number of days in this month31
Day of the year61
Week of the year10
Number of Seconds from Epoch1741012498 Seconds

About Santiago

Name of the CitySantiago, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile
Santiago, Villa Presidente Frei, , , , Lo Prado, La Pintana, San Bernardo, Puente Alto, Chicureo Abajo, Peñaflor, Lampa, Buin, Talagante, El Monte, Paine
Two Letter Country code of Chile (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)CL
Three letter Country code of Chile (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)CHL
Santiago Latitude-33.4569400
Santiago Longitude
Santiago Elevation
0 meter
Alternates Names for Santiago in Vernacular LanguagesCiles Santjagas,CiudadSantiago,SCL,Sanctiacobi,Sant'jago,Santiago,Santiago d e Chile,Santiago de Xile,Santiago del Cile,Santiago do Chile,Santiago du Chi li,Santiago du Ch·ili,Santjago,Santjago de Chile,Santjago de Chili,Stgo.,sa ntiago,santixako,santyaghw,santyagw,santyyagw,sheng de ya ge,Čilės Santjag as,Σαντιάγο,Сантьяго,Сантяго де Чиле,Сантя го де Чили,סנטיאגו דה צ'ילה,سانتىياگو,سانت ياغو,سانتیاگو,ซันติอาโก,სანტიაგ დე ჩილე,ሳንቲያጎ,サンティアゴ,圣地亚哥,산 아고
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