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Current Local Time in Abidjan, Lagunes, Côte d'Ivoire is 12:21:56

GMT-Greenwich Mean Time UTC+00:00 hours

Monday, Mar 24 2025, week - 13, 83rd day of year, Daylight saving is not followed

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Weather:89.55°F/31.97°C/305.12K Scattered clouds

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Abidjan Weather

Current Temperature in Abidjan89.55°F/31.97°C/305.12K
Feels like102.06°F/38.92°C/312.07K
Abidjan Humidity Percentage66%
Atmospheric Pressure in Abidjan1012 hPa
Wind Speed in Abidjan4.12 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in Abidjan220 Degrees

Abidjan Time Zone

Abidjan Time ZoneGreenwich Mean Time
Time Zone AbbreviationGMT
UTC Offset for Greenwich Mean Time0 Hours
Is GMT a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in Abidjan 2025-03-24 12:21:56

Daylight Saving Time in Abidjan

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Abidjan?No
Abidjan Summer Time ZoneNo DST
Abidjan Winter Time ZoneGMT
Daylight Time Start DateDST Not followed
Daylight Time End DateDST Not followed
UTC Offset for DST1 Hours
UTC Offset during winter0 Hours

Twilights in Abidjan today

Civil Twilight Start Time2025-03-24 05:58:36
Civil Twilight End Time2025-03-24 18:47:52
Nautical Twilight Start Time2025-03-24 05:34:29
Nautical Twilight End Time2025-03-24 19:12:00
Astronomical Twilight Start Time2025-03-24 05:10:22
Astronomical Twilight End Time2025-03-24 19:36:08

Abidjan: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in Abidjan2025-03-24 06:19:09
Sunset Time in Abidjan2025-03-24 18:27:20
Noon Time in Abidjan2025-03-24 12:23:12
Duration of the daytime today in Abidjan12 Hours-8 Minutes-11 Seconds

Abidjan: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in Abidjan2025-03-24 02:01:53
Moonset Time Today in Abidjan2025-03-24 14:07:30

Abidjan: Moon Phases

New moon day2025-03-29 10:58:47
Full moon day2025-04-13 00:23:12
First Quarter of Moon2025-04-05 02:15:37
Last Quarter of Moon2025-03-22 11:30:23

Calendar Today

Day of the weekMonday
Month of the yearMarch
Number of days in this month31
Day of the year82
Week of the year13
Number of Seconds from Epoch1742818916 Seconds

About Abidjan

Name of the CityAbidjan, Lagunes, Côte d'Ivoire
Abidjan, Abobo, Bingerville, Anyama, Songon, Grand-Bassam, Azaguié, Dabou, Alépé, Jacqueville, Bonoua
Two Letter Country code of Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)CI
Three letter Country code of Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)CIV
Abidjan Latitude5.3096600
Abidjan Longitude
Abidjan Elevation
0 meter
Alternates Names for Abidjan in Vernacular LanguagesABJ,Abican,Abidjan,Abidzan,Abidzana,Abidzanas,Abidzans,Abidzhan,Abidżan,Abi džan,Abidžana,Abidžanas,Abidžans,Abigano,Abijan,Abiyan,Abiyán,Abizhan k hot,Abiĝano,Ampitzan,Gorad Abidzhan,a bi rang,a bi shang,abdjan,abijan,abij ana,abijang,abijani,abydjan,abyjan,xabi can,ʼbydgʼn,Αμπιτζάν,Аб джан,Абижан хот,Абиџан,Абіджан,Горад Абі жан,Աբիջան,אבידגאן,אבידזשאן,آبدجان,آبیجا ن,أبيدجان,आबिजान,আবিজান,ਅਬੀਜਾਨ, ബിജാൻ,อาบีจาน,აბიჯანი,アビジャ ,阿必尚,阿比让,아비장
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