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Current Local Time in Gotse Delchev, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria is 13:33:21

EET-Eastern European Time UTC+02:00 hours

Monday, Feb 24 2025, week - 09, 55th day of year, Daylight saving is not active

EET timezone converter

Weather:39.13°F/3.96°C/277.11K Overcast clouds

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Gotse Delchev Weather

Current Temperature in Gotse Delchev39.13°F/3.96°C/277.11K
Feels like36.73°F/2.63°C/275.78K
Gotse Delchev Humidity Percentage82%
Atmospheric Pressure in Gotse Delchev1030 hPa
Wind Speed in Gotse Delchev1.6 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in Gotse Delchev220 Degrees

Gotse Delchev Time Zone

Gotse Delchev Time ZoneEastern European Time
Time Zone AbbreviationEET
UTC Offset for Eastern European Time2 Hours
Is EET a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in Gotse Delchev 2025-02-24 13:33:21

Daylight Saving Time in Gotse Delchev

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Gotse Delchev?No
Gotse Delchev Summer Time ZoneEEST
Gotse Delchev Winter Time ZoneEET
Daylight Time Start DateSunday, 26 March 2023, 02:00 AM
Daylight Time End DateSunday, 29 October 2023, 03:00 AM
UTC Offset for DST3 Hours
UTC Offset during winter2 Hours

Twilights in Gotse Delchev today

Civil Twilight Start Time
Civil Twilight End Time
Nautical Twilight Start Time
Nautical Twilight End Time
Astronomical Twilight Start Time
Astronomical Twilight End Time

Gotse Delchev: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in Gotse Delchev
Sunset Time in Gotse Delchev
Noon Time in Gotse Delchev
Duration of the daytime today in Gotse Delchev0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Prepare failed

Gotse Delchev: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in Gotse Delchev
Moonset Time Today in Gotse Delchev

Gotse Delchev: Moon Phases

New moon day
Full moon day
First Quarter of Moon
Last Quarter of Moon

Calendar Today

Day of the weekMonday
Month of the yearFebruary
Number of days in this month28
Day of the year54
Week of the year09
Number of Seconds from Epoch1740396801 Seconds

About Gotse Delchev

Name of the CityGotse Delchev, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Gotse Delchev, Gŭrmen, Khadzhidimovo, Satovcha, Káto Nevrokópi, Vólakas, Bansko, Dospat, Sandanski, Razlog, Mikrópolis, Strumyani, Gyovren, Belitsa, Charopó, Sidirókastro, Petrich, Prosotsáni, Borino, Petroússa
Two Letter Country code of Bulgaria (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)BG
Three letter Country code of Bulgaria (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)BGR
Gotse Delchev Latitude41.5666700
Gotse Delchev Longitude
Gotse Delchev Elevation
0 meter
Alternates Names for Gotse Delchev in Vernacular LanguagesAno Nevrokopi,Goce Delcev,Goce Delcevas,Goce Delchev,Goce Delczew,Goce Delč ev,Goce Delčevas,Goce Dełczew,Goce-Delchev,Gote Delcev,Gotse Delchev,Gotse Deltchev,Gotse Deltsev,Gotse Deltsjev,Gotse Deltšev,Gotsi Delchev,Gotsé D eltchev,Gotze Deltchev,Goze Deltschew,Goțe Delcev,Nevrakop,Nevrekop,Nevroko p,Nevrâkop,Newrokop,ge cai dai er qie fu,gwjh dlchw,gwzh dlz'b,Άνω Νε ροκόπι,Гоце Делчев,Гоце-Делчев,Գոցե Դելչ ,גוצה דלצ'ב,گوجه دلچو,ゴツェ・デルチェフ,戈采代 爾切夫
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