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Current Temperature in Porto Alegre | 90.28°F/32.38°C/305.53K |
Feels like | 99.21°F/37.34°C/310.49K |
Porto Alegre Humidity Percentage | 58% |
Atmospheric Pressure in Porto Alegre | 1013 hPa |
Wind Speed in Porto Alegre | 4.63 Miles Per Hour |
Wind Direction in Porto Alegre | 90 Degrees |
Porto Alegre Time Zone | Brasília Time |
Time Zone Abbreviation | BRT |
UTC Offset for Brasília Time | -3 Hours |
Is BRT a Standard Time Zone? | Yes |
Current Local Time in Porto Alegre | 2025-02-23 15:06:49 |
Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Porto Alegre? | No |
Porto Alegre Summer Time Zone | No DST |
Porto Alegre Winter Time Zone | BRT |
Daylight Time Start Date | DST Not followed |
Daylight Time End Date | DST Not followed |
UTC Offset for DST | -2 Hours |
UTC Offset during winter | -3 Hours |
Civil Twilight Start Time | |
Civil Twilight End Time | |
Nautical Twilight Start Time | |
Nautical Twilight End Time | |
Astronomical Twilight Start Time | |
Astronomical Twilight End Time |
Sunrise Time in Porto Alegre | |
Sunset Time in Porto Alegre | |
Noon Time in Porto Alegre | |
Duration of the daytime today in Porto Alegre | 0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds |
Moonrise Time Today in Porto Alegre | |
Moonset Time Today in Porto Alegre |
New moon day | |
Full moon day | |
First Quarter of Moon | |
Last Quarter of Moon |
Day of the week | Sunday |
Month of the year | February |
Number of days in this month | 28 |
Day of the year | 53 |
Week of the year | 08 |
Number of Seconds from Epoch | 1740334009 Seconds |
Name of the City | Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
Porto Alegre, Guaíba, Canoas, Cachoeirinha, Esteio, Viamão, Sapucaia, Gravataí, São Leopoldo, Portão, Charqueadas, Novo Hamburgo, Estância Velha, Montenegro, Triunfo, São Jerônimo | |
Two Letter Country code of Brazil (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | BR |
Three letter Country code of Brazil (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) | BRA |
Porto Alegre Latitude | -30.0330600 |
Porto Alegre Longitude | -51.2300000 |
Porto Alegre Elevation | 0 meter |
Alternates Names for Porto Alegre in Vernacular Languages | Gorad Portu-Alegry,POA,Porto Alegre,Porto Alegri,Porto Alegrė,Porto Alenkre ,Porto de Sao Francisco dos Casaes,Porto-Alegro,Portu-Alegre,Portu-Alegri,Po rtualegri,Portus Alacer,Puerto Alegre,Pôrto de São Francisco dos Casaes,a lei ge li gang,bwrtw alyghry,parto alegre,poleutuallegeuli,portu alegri,pwrt w algrh,Πόρτο Αλέγκρε,Горад Порту-Алегры,Пор о Алегре,Порто Алегри,Порту-Алегре,Порту- Алегри,Порту-Алегрі,פורטו אלגרה,بورتو ألي غري,پورتو الگره,پورتو الیگرے,पोर्तू अ ेग्री,পর্টো আলেগ্রে,პორტუ-ა ეგრი,ポルト・アレグレ,阿雷格里港,포르투알레그 |
Converters related to time | BRT to EST | BRT to CST | BRT to MST | BRT to PST | BRT to GMT | BRT to CET | BRT to SGT | BRT to AEST | BRT to HKT | BRT to IST | EST to BRT | CST to BRT | MST to BRT | PST to BRT | GMT to BRT | CET to BRT | SGT to BRT | AEST to BRT | HKT to BRT | IST to BRT |