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Current Local Time in Porto-Novo, Quémé, Benin is 09:22:39

WAT-West African Time UTC+01:00 hours

Wednesday, Dec 04 2024, week - 49, 339th day of year, Daylight saving is not followed

WAT timezone converter

Weather:82.22°F/27.9°C/301.05K Scattered clouds

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Porto-Novo Weather

Current Temperature in Porto-Novo82.22°F/27.9°C/301.05K
Feels like87.31°F/30.73°C/303.88K
Porto-Novo Humidity Percentage72%
Atmospheric Pressure in Porto-Novo1013 hPa
Wind Speed in Porto-Novo2.36 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in Porto-Novo360 Degrees

Porto-Novo Time Zone

Porto-Novo Time ZoneWest African Time
Time Zone AbbreviationWAT
UTC Offset for West African Time1 Hours
Is WAT a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in Porto-Novo 2024-12-04 09:22:39

Daylight Saving Time in Porto-Novo

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Porto-Novo?No
Porto-Novo Summer Time ZoneNo DST
Porto-Novo Winter Time ZoneWAT
Daylight Time Start DateDST Not followed
Daylight Time End DateDST Not followed
UTC Offset for DST2 Hours
UTC Offset during winter1 Hours

Twilights in Porto-Novo today

Civil Twilight Start Time
Civil Twilight End Time
Nautical Twilight Start Time
Nautical Twilight End Time
Astronomical Twilight Start Time
Astronomical Twilight End Time

Porto-Novo: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in Porto-Novo
Sunset Time in Porto-Novo
Noon Time in Porto-Novo
Duration of the daytime today in Porto-Novo0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Prepare failed

Porto-Novo: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in Porto-Novo
Moonset Time Today in Porto-Novo

Porto-Novo: Moon Phases

New moon day
Full moon day
First Quarter of Moon
Last Quarter of Moon

Calendar Today

Day of the weekWednesday
Month of the yearDecember
Number of days in this month31
Day of the year338
Week of the year49
Number of Seconds from Epoch1733300559 Seconds

About Porto-Novo

Name of the CityPorto-Novo, Quémé, Benin
Porto-Novo, Idi Iroko, Cotonou, Ipokia, Sakété, Abomey-Calavi, Badagry, Ado Odo, Hévié
Two Letter Country code of Benin (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)BJ
Three letter Country code of Benin (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)BEN
Porto-Novo Latitude6.4964600
Porto-Novo Longitude
Porto-Novo Elevation
0 meter
Alternates Names for Porto-Novo in Vernacular LanguagesBorto-Novo,Gorad Porta-Nova,Porto Neuvo,Porto Nobo,Porto Novas,Porto Novo,Po rto-Novo,Portonovo,Portus Novus,Poto-Novo,Pòrto Neuvo,Pòto-Novo,Pôrto-Nov o,bo duo nuo fu,bo tu nu bu,bwrtw nwfw,poleutonobo,porato-novo,porto-novho,p orutonobo,pwrtw nwbw,pwrtw nwww,pxr to-no wo,xin gang,Πόρτο Νόβο,Π όρτο-Νόβο,Горад Порта-Нова,Порто Ново,Пор о-Ново,Պորտո Նովո,פארטא-נאווא,פורטו נובו, ورتو نوفو,پورتو نووو,پورٹو نووو,پۆرتۆ نۆڤ ۆ,पोर्तो-नोव्हो,ਪੋਰਤੋ-ਨੋਵੋ,ปอ ร์โต-โนโว,པོར་ཊོ་-ནོ་བོ།,პორ ტო-ნოვო,ፖርቶ ኖቮ,ポルトノボ,新港,波圖奴埠,波 多诺伏,포르토노보
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