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Current Local Time in Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia is 15:46:56

ACST-Australian Central Standard Time UTC+09:30 hours

Friday, Mar 28 2025, week - 13, 87th day of year, Daylight saving is not active

ACST timezone converter

Weather:75.18°F/23.99°C/297.14K Overcast clouds

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Alice Springs Weather

Current Temperature in Alice Springs75.18°F/23.99°C/297.14K
Feels like75.27°F/24.04°C/297.19K
Alice Springs Humidity Percentage61%
Atmospheric Pressure in Alice Springs1010 hPa
Wind Speed in Alice Springs3.6 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in Alice Springs150 Degrees

Alice Springs Time Zone

Alice Springs Time ZoneAustralian Central Standard Time
Time Zone AbbreviationACST
UTC Offset for Australian Central Standard Time9.5 Hours
Is ACST a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in Alice Springs 2025-03-28 15:46:56

Daylight Saving Time in Alice Springs

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Alice Springs?No
Alice Springs Summer Time ZoneACDT
Alice Springs Winter Time ZoneACST
Daylight Time Start DateSunday, 02 April 2023, 02:00 AM
Daylight Time End DateMonday, 01 October 2023, 03:00 AM
UTC Offset for DST10.5 Hours
UTC Offset during winter9.5 Hours

Twilights in Alice Springs today

Civil Twilight Start Time2025-03-28 06:19:36
Civil Twilight End Time2025-03-28 19:01:09
Nautical Twilight Start Time2025-03-28 05:53:22
Nautical Twilight End Time2025-03-28 19:27:21
Astronomical Twilight Start Time2025-03-28 05:27:06
Astronomical Twilight End Time2025-03-28 19:53:35

Alice Springs: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in Alice Springs2025-03-28 06:41:57
Sunset Time in Alice Springs2025-03-28 18:38:49
Noon Time in Alice Springs2025-03-28 12:40:33
Duration of the daytime today in Alice Springs11 Hours-56 Minutes-52 Seconds

Alice Springs: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in Alice Springs2025-03-28 05:06:11
Moonset Time Today in Alice Springs2025-03-28 17:49:44

Alice Springs: Moon Phases

New moon day2025-03-29 20:28:47
Full moon day2025-04-13 09:53:12
First Quarter of Moon2025-04-05 11:45:37
Last Quarter of Moon2025-03-22 21:00:23

Calendar Today

Day of the weekFriday
Month of the yearMarch
Number of days in this month31
Day of the year86
Week of the year13
Number of Seconds from Epoch1743142616 Seconds

About Alice Springs

Name of the CityAlice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
Alice Springs
Two Letter Country code of Australia (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)AU
Three letter Country code of Australia (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)AUS
Alice Springs Latitude-23.6974800
Alice Springs Longitude
Alice Springs Elevation
0 meter
Alternates Names for Alice Springs in Vernacular LanguagesASP,Alice Springs,Alice Springs Region,Alis Springs,Alis-Springs,Elis Spring sas,Springs,Stuart,aelliseuseupeulingseu,ai li si quan,alys aspryngz,arisusu puringusu,ayls sprngz,Алис Спрингс,Алис-Спрингс,Алі с-Спрінгс,אליס ספרינגס,آلیس اسپرینگز,ایلس سپرنگز,ॲलिस स्प्रिंग्ज,ალის-ს რინგსი,アリススプリングス,愛麗斯泉,앨리스스프 링스
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