Live Weather and Weather Forecast for Ban Huai I Huak, Mae Hong Son, Thailand

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Ban Huai I Huak, Mae Hong Son, Thailand
Live Weather Today
Overall WeatherTemperaturePressure
-459.67°F/-273.15°C0 hPa
Wind SpeedWind DirectionClouds
MPH 0 Degrees %
Humidity PercentageSunrise TimeSunset Time
Current Local Time
Moonrise Time Moonset Time
Ultraviolet Index (UV Index)
Convert ICT to other time zones
Ban Huai I Huak, Sop Moei, Pa Pae, Mae La Noi, Om Koi

Ban Huai I Huak Time Report

Which Time Zone Ban Huai I Huak is in?ICT
Is Indochina Time a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Is Daylight Saving Time active in Ban Huai I Huak?Daylight saving is not followed
Ban Huai I Huak Summer Time Zone AbbreviationICT
Ban Huai I Huak Winter Time Zone AbbreviationDaylight saving time not followed in Ban Huai I Huak
Daylight Time Start DateDaylight saving time not followed in Thailand
Daylight Time End DateDaylight saving time not followed in Thailand
UTC Offset when DST is not activeUTC+7 Hours
UTC Offset when DST is activeNot applicable
Number of days in this month31 days
Day of the year77th day of the year
Duration of the Day0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Longitude/Latitude of Ban Huai I Huak98.0350000/18.0786100 © 2024