Which Time Zone Rasm al Ḩarmal is in? | |
Is a Standard Time Zone? | Yes |
Is Daylight Saving Time active in Rasm al Ḩarmal? | Daylight saving is not followed |
Rasm al Ḩarmal Summer Time Zone Abbreviation | |
Rasm al Ḩarmal Winter Time Zone Abbreviation | Daylight saving time not followed in Rasm al Ḩarmal |
Daylight Time Start Date | Daylight saving time not followed in Syrian Arab Republic |
Daylight Time End Date | Daylight saving time not followed in Syrian Arab Republic |
UTC Offset when DST is not active | UTC+3 Hours |
UTC Offset when DST is active | Not applicable |
Number of days in this month | 31 days |
Day of the year | 61th day of the year |
Duration of the Day | 0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds |
Longitude/Latitude of Rasm al Ḩarmal | 37.7160700/36.2448600 |