Live Weather and Weather Forecast for Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux, Midi-Pyrénées, France

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Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Live Weather Today
Overall WeatherTemperaturePressure
Light Snow34.84°F/1.58°C1023 hPa
Wind SpeedWind DirectionClouds
1.37 MPH 79 Degrees 100%
Humidity PercentageSunrise TimeSunset Time
Current Local Time
Moonrise Time Moonset Time
Ultraviolet Index (UV Index)
Convert CET to other time zones

Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 13:00:00 19-January-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
39.36 °F | 4 °C | 277.24 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
39.36 °F | 4 °C | 277.24 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
48.42 °F | 9 °C | 282.27 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1022  hPA
Humidity Precentage72 %
Clouds Precentage91 %
Wind Speed1.85  MPH
Wind Direction86  Degrees

Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 16:00:00 19-January-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
44.98 °F | 7 °C | 280.36 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
44.98 °F | 7 °C | 280.36 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
50.05 °F | 10 °C | 283.18 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1020  hPA
Humidity Precentage68 %
Clouds Precentage74 %
Wind Speed1.05  MPH
Wind Direction78  Degrees

Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 19:00:00 19-January-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
40.82 °F | 5 °C | 278.05 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
40.82 °F | 5 °C | 278.05 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
40.82 °F | 5 °C | 278.05 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1019  hPA
Humidity Precentage75 %
Clouds Precentage81 %
Wind Speed1.94  MPH
Wind Direction98  Degrees

Weather Forecast for next 3 hours from 22:00:00 19-January-2025

In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
37.96 °F | 3 °C | 276.46 Kelvin
Minimum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
37.96 °F | 3 °C | 276.46 Kelvin
Maximum Temperature
In Degree Fahrenheit | Degree Celsius | Kelvin
37.96 °F | 3 °C | 276.46 Kelvin
Atmospheric Pressure1019  hPA
Humidity Precentage81 %
Clouds Precentage71 %
Wind Speed2.95  MPH
Wind Direction70  Degrees

Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux Time Report

Which Time Zone Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux is in?CET
Is Central European Time a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Is Daylight Saving Time active in Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux?Daylight saving is not active
Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux Summer Time Zone AbbreviationCET
Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux Winter Time Zone AbbreviationCEST
Daylight Time Start DateSunday, 31 March 2024, 02:00 AM
Daylight Time End DateSunday, 27 October 2024, 03:00 AM
UTC Offset when DST is not activeUTC+1 Hours
UTC Offset when DST is activeUTC+2 Hours
Number of days in this month31 days
Day of the year18th day of the year
Duration of the Day0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Longitude/Latitude of Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux2.1291100/44.0503700 © 2024