Daylight Saving Time in Xinli, Inner Mongolia, China for year 2025

DST start date:

No Daylight Saving Time

DST end date:

No Daylight Saving Time

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When Daylight Saving Time starts in Xinli, China for the year 2025?

  • Xinli does not follow Daylight Saving Time.
  • Xinli follows China Standard Time(CST) during both winter and summer seasons of the year.

When Daylight Saving Time ends in Xinli, China for the year 2025?

  • There is no Daylight Saving Time followed in Xinli, China.
  • During both winter and summer seasons of the year China follows China Standard Time(CST).

What are the Time Zones that follow Daylight Saving Time in China?

  • Xinli, China does not observe Daylight Saving Time

What should I do when one are more parts of the world observe the Daylight Saving Time?

  • Please refer to our World Clock and Daylight Saving Time Guide to find out what time it is in the countries that follow Daylight Saving Time.
  • Being aware of the Daylight Saving Time in other countries help in case you conduct meetings spread across multiple time zones, in case when you want to talk to your friends and relatives in daylight saving time following countries and in case when you are your friends are travelling to such countries.

Why Daylight Saving Time is Followed?

  • During Summer to take advantage the sunlight in the evenings the clocks are advanced by one hour during the start of the Daylight Saving Time.
  • Daylight Saving Time generally enables to use more sunlight and time for fun and sporting activities in the evenings.

Which other parts of the world follow Daylight Saving time?

What are the dates for Daylight Saving Time in year 2024 for other cities?

The list of Daylight Saving Time changes for the the coming years can be found with our Daylight Saving Time Guide

Time and Weather Report for Xinli, Inner Mongolia, China

Name of the CountryChina
Country CodeCN
Current Date and Time in Xinli 2025-03-04 04:09:52
Is daylight saving time active in XinliNo
Which Time Zone Xinli is in China Standard Time(CST)
Is this a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Time Zone Abbreviation
UTC Offset for China Standard Time(CST)UTC+8:00Hours
Summer Time Zone No Daylight Saving
UTC Offset for DSTUTC+8:00 Hours
Daylight Time Start DateNo Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Time End DateNo Daylight Saving Time
Day of the weekTuesday
Month of the yearMarch
Number of days in this month31
Day of the year62
Week of the year10
Is this year a leap yearNo
Which century we are in21st Century
Millennium3rd millennium
Seconds from Epoch1741084777
Sunrise Time in 07:14:25
Sunset Time in 18:39:37
Duration of the day23 Hours 2 Minutes
Calendar TypeGregorian
Date Format followed in Xinlimonth - date - year
Weather update for Xinlibroken clouds
Temperature-3.85  Degree Celcius
Pressure1021  hPa
Wind Speed1.75 MPH
Wind Direction193 degrees © 2025